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I saw you posted the question in the other forum. I'm hoping that will help it get some attention. It's something I'm curious about too.Thanks Luna...I appreciate it.
........Luna....You are so sweet. Thank you so much for you kindness. Ive always been a workhorse....LOL. But, Ive always known God says lazy hands make for poverty (proverbs 10:4), plus Ive always loved to work. It just gives me a sense of worth that I have never had with anything else. Some get it in being a mother, some get it in being a wife and or just being in the home, I guess Im one who gets it working. I have really grown to love this industry (medical)...coding....billing. There are so many great people in it. I am humbled to see the compassion and heart alot of these people have in the medical field. I know you will do great with everything you set your mind to. I can only speak for my life, and as for my life......God has always met me half way...if I do 110% of all I can he has ALWAYS carried me the rest of the way and taken care of what I can not. Best wishes to you and may God Bless you in ALL your efforts.I saw you posted the question in the other forum. I'm hoping that will help it get some attention. It's something I'm curious about too.
You are in inspiration to me. I'm excited about your enthusiasm and success. It sounds like you have a passion for this. And that you like to be good at what you do, not just wing-it-through for a paycheck. I am hoping I have that too for this career choice.
I'm interested in the answer also. I haven't been on the billing side.Its me again to question the EXPERTS out there. Since I am so new with coding and now I am doing some billing as well I need advice. I received a fee schedule today that I had requested from BCBS so we can start charging patients with HIGH deductibles before they leave our office. I have a question as far as adjustments go?? When we charge a patient the allowed amount and they pay less than that do we adjust off the remaining amount? I have assumed we cant charge the patient for the remaining amount due to the contract. Am I correct or can we charge the patient if the insurance pays less than the allowed amount? I know this may be a dumb question but I have and EXCUSE...Im NEW.....LOL